Text and Font Properties


Text Columns


Delete ShadowAdd Shadow


Preview text

The code


Supported in Safari 4 Supported in Firefox 5 Supported in Opera  Supported in Chrome not Supported in IE9 Supported in iOS 3.2 Supported in Android 2.1

About CSS Text Properties

Many of these text properties have been part of CSS since CSS1.

Multi column text is currently supported by webkit and mozilla browsers with vendor specific prefixes, and Opera 11+ and Internet Explorer 10 without.

@font-face font embedding is supported in IE5+ (EOT format only) IE9+ (WOFF format), Safari 3.1+ (TT and OT formats), Safari 5.1+ (WOFF), Chrome (TT, OT and WOFF), Opera 10+ (WOFF, TT/OT)